NuKiz | Madrid Kizomba Revolution

Who are we?

Seres humanos. Aclarado este punto, NuKiz está formado por personas que tienen experiencia en docencia, pedagogía, dinamización y otras prácticas relacionadas con la educación. Sumando el bagaje de diferentes disciplinas musicales y de baile. NuKiz es también un proyecto colectivo de enseñanza y producción de eventos de Urban Kiz, Tarraxo & Fusión con perspectiva de género de Cultura Popular.

What is our methodology?

Our intention is not to have students reproduce memorized figures or steps to “throw up” on the dance floor after class and never use again. Instead, we seek to work the mind and body through music, enhance sensitivity, learn to generate tools to have resources and create their own steps and style.

For us, this learning is achieved through play, touch, active participation, listening, group dynamics and in pairs, explaining events with basic physics concepts to generate real knowledge, giving a voice to everyone and prioritizing safety in the shared space to empower all parties.


Our teachers

Between you and me, and this is a secret, don’t go telling it around… we are not the best dancers, nor do we pretend to be. We want each person to develop his or her personal and non-transferable style. We want to provide you with the necessary tools and technique so that you can develop and enjoy dancing kizomba fusing all its modern variants. We believe that intensive courses, combined with regular attendance at social dance events, are a good way to advance in this dance. At least, that’s what worked for us.

Dancing well is dancing at ease

For us to dance well is to have fun, to make the person we dance with enjoy it as much as we do and, above all, to be able to interpret the music and adapt our dance style to that of any other person. The fact that the figures look good with your usual dance partner of all your life is of no great merit. Having a dance with someone you’ve never danced with before and ending up with a nice feeling, yes it does and we want to help you achieve it.

Choose your role freely

We celebrate diversity in all its forms and colors. We believe that your gender DOES NOT DEFINE YOUR IDENTITY and we make this clear from the very beginning. We understand that society in 2023 must be conscious, consequent and involved with all options and identities, leaving aside the dynamics where the girls waited in the town square sitting for a man to ask them to dance, as part of a courtship ceremony. These are exciting stories, but more from our grandmothers’ and grandfathers’ generation.

Creating an inclusive dance scene

We are generating a scene adapted to the year in which we live, where coming to class as a woman, man, gender neutral, blue, brown or purple, makes you feel safe, you can show yourself vulnerable, with doubts, make decisions and not have to spend the class listening to how they teach the leader while the follower waits for them to make moves, or break his shoulder, as a result of the absence of tact or care that we should have the people who guide the teaching-learning process. We would love to generate a nice dance scene in Madrid (and wherever it arises). Attending to the diversity of gender, but also of age, socio-cultural, origin and level of dance. If we are not able to dance with anyone, we are not good dancers.

Safe Spaces

We want to do it in ESPACIO SEGUROS. We are tired of the fact that many dance schools continue to reproduce ancestral roles such as machismo, inequality, condescension, and teacher superiority. This implies that, in our workshops and events, we ask at the slightest doubt if the other person is comfortable dancing, we change dance partners frequently, we ask to dance regardless of our role, we respect the other person’s personal space by adapting our connection (embrace, semi-open, open, etc) and watching our body posture. And finally, only Yes is Yes, and NO or silence is always NO.

Give me oxytocin

Kizomba is a dance that requires you to feel safe because of the connection it requires, as it is usually danced quite close or in an embrace (with prior consent). So leaving the prejudices and roles of life and work outside of school will allow you to grow as a person, learn new skills and enjoy a dance that offers multiple benefits because with it, our brain generates endorphins, dopamine and oxytocin (a blast).